What to expect?
In this Energy Healing, you will purify your energy, so you can stay grounded and stable and avoid all the noise around you. You will live your life with ease and without getting exhausted. You don’t have to have any experience with energy healing to get the full experience.
Have you experienced energetic pollution? It leaves you confused, jumpy and tired. Luckily, with our retreats, you can easily tap into pure, calming Arctic energy sources to restore yourself and raise your energy levels.
About me
Sæl, I’m Mirjam and I live in one of the purest places on earth, at the top of the world in Iceland. I’ve learned how to invite in the space, calm, and silence of the Arctic Nature and animals around me. Now I can share these refreshing energies with you so that you too can feel grounded, powerful, and energized. And that means your life becomes joyous and lighter and your connections with others become easier.
Arctic Energy Healing
What is it?
What are the healing sessions like?
All of the healing sessions are all done while I am in deep meditation. I connect to you on a deep energetic level and send the healing to you telepathically. The sessions are generally very relaxing and peaceful.
What should you do during the healing session?
During the actual time of the healing, it is most helpful is you can be in a relaxed, peaceful state. All you really need to do is relax and receive the healing energies. together.
Before we start our journey together we talk bout why you are seeking healing and what you would like to accomplish. So you get the best out of our sessions.
Arctic Energy Healing is a powerful – yet gentle, energy healing system that allows very high vibrational energies to work upon your body to help release physical, ancestral, emotional, and karmic imbalances across all times and incarnations.
It acts on the body, emotions, and the mind at the same time, getting to the root of the problem and healing it.
This is distance energy healing, which is just as effective as in-person energy healing. This is because energy is not restricted by time and space. During an Arctic Energy Healing, I am simply a bridge for the healing energy to pass to the recipient.
At the beginning of each session, I tune in to the healing energies of the Arctic, Mother Earth, and our healing guides.
This healing energy will be sent through me into your body to the parts that need to be healed. Your body absorbs only as much healing energy it needs to heal. At the end of the session, whilst still connected to your energy field, I will draw an Angel card for you and share its message. I also receive a message with some homework for you for the next week.
While the healing is taking place, you may experience inner calm, peace, and uplifting feelings. Our guides send you their unconditional love and will take your worries and fears away. Sometimes unexpected emotions may surface but this is part of the healing process. Allow yourself to process the emotions. You may see things behind your eyelids, like colours, lights, shapes, a whole scene with animals and nature – or you may not see anything at all. Whatever happens to you is totally normal. The healing is working, no matter what you see or don’t see.
Is it something for you?
It’s helpful for:
Lack of goals
Low vibrational thinking
Repetitive karmic patterns
Highly Sensitive People
Energy Healing
Power of the Arctic

Declutter Heart & Mind
2. March 2022
5 min taster sessions